Welcome to An Arrow’s Journey

Psalms 127:
3 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them:

As a Bible believing, homeschooling momma and CEO of an archery company, this Scripture speaks to my soul. It warms my heart when I consider the beautiful heritage that God confidently placed in my hands, to nurture, to educate, to raise.

This is where I share my homeschooling inspiration, curriculum planning, extra-curricular ideas, and all the amazing adventures I experience from homeschooling 3 little arrows.

Though there are many ups and downs, the blessings always outnumber the troubles every time…Welcome to An Arrow’s Journey.

About Me

This picture sums me up pretty well. I started by Faith, became a Mama Bear, then a Teacher, with Coffee and Rae Dunn along the way. I’m not one for talking about myself too much, so I’d rather talk about the source of my inspiration and my drive.

As a Pastors Daughter-in-Law, I have learned and grown so much over the years in faith, belief and action. I am truly blessed beyond measure to have been placed into a family with such amazing examples to help me on my journey. If I could sum my In-Laws up with just one quote, it would be:

Eternal life is Living for Others.

That’s not just what they have said, it’s what they have showed me day in and day out. I have discovered that I get great satisfaction and joy in helping other mommas that are considering homeschool, just getting started, or have been at it, but need some encouragement.

Homeschooling is not easy, it’s difficult, oh but what a worthwhile journey.

When my husband and I were planning our family, we knew homeschooling was the way to go. My husband was homeschooled from the 6th grade to graduation, so we had a pretty good sense of direction as to what we were getting ourselves into. I always had a passion for teaching, that is what I wanted for a career path (well, I can’t forget the doctor part too). I had a few years experience in daycare and have been a Sunday school teacher for years, the thought of teaching my own children was so exciting to me.

Fast forward to 3 arrows later… I have been homeschooling for 5 years. Even on the hardest of days, God has ways of reminding me, I was made for this. My husband has taught me that there is always a solution and there is always positive and negative, focus on the positive. If you fill your day with positivity and encouragement it’s hard for a bad day to stay bad. Our Homeschool motto is:

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Every hard day, every new problem, every tough challenge… we remind ourselves, through Christ, we got this and we push through it all and the day gets brighter.

I will never forget the feeling I got when my oldest arrow read her first words. It was me, I taught her to read. Not a teacher and it wasn’t at a traditional school. It was at home, I did that! Those are the moments you live for in homeschooling. You are there for all of the firsts and I know I didn’t realize how many amazing first moments there would be. The time you share with them in schooling, creates a friendship while allowing you to see deep in to them and you get to see what really makes them tick. Every arrow is unique and being so hands on allows you to see and appreciate each intricacy.

Though I wear many hats, I am learning every day how to juggle them better and better. I am a co-pastors wife, a homeschool teacher, CEO of an archery company, a momma and an arrow…yes, as a parent, we forget we are arrows too and every day we are growing and being flung towards the target. I hope our journey helps you and your arrows hit the mark, welcome to An Arrow’s Journey.

Meet My Arrows

Rae: She is 9 years old. Loves all things crafts, AG dolls, Legos, Science and Horses. She without a doubt is a young budding artist as well. She is mommy’s big helper, always ready and prepared to help her younger siblings.

Kai: She is 6 years old. Definitely a Princess but with a twist of daddy added to the flavor. She loves al things pink, dresses and kitties. Though beyond mischievous, she has a heart of gold and loves her siblings unmeasurably.

G-Rod: He is 2 years old. He definitely keeps our hands full, all the time. Definitely boy, all boy, all day, all night, just…all boy. He loves outdoors, dirt, rain, mud, muddy puddles. When it comes to inside, he loves cars, trucks, super heroes and anything that spins. He’s my little tinkerer and already has a curiosity as to how everything works.


My November Book List

It’s November, Yay!! I absolutely love this time of year because it’s the season of thanks. For myself and my family, I take full advantage of every opportunity to show, teach and reflect to be thankful for all that we have. As homeschoolers, we don’t have a school library, we have to build our own. …